Nelson Distinguished Young Alumni Award
This honor is awarded to a recent graduate who has established themselves as a leader in their field early in their career. The award was established in 2018 in honor of the late Dr. Leonard C. Nelson.
Alumni of the Year
Alumni of the Year honorees have achieved recognition and success in their fields while providing support to their alma mater and serving their communities. We currently honor three alumni annually, one from the School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, the Leonard C. Nelson School of Engineering, and the WVU School of Nursing.
TGBAA Outstanding Alumni Award
The TGBAA Outstanding Alumni Award program seeks to honor alumni who have given their time, talent or treasure back to their Alma Mater.
Athletic Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame inductees are athletes, coaches, officials, administrators and others who elevate the institution through their support, hard work and commitment to excellence.
Golden Bear Empowerment Faculty Award
Ed Robinson Lifetime Achievement Presidential Award
The Ed Robinson Lifetime Achievement Presidential Award is presented to an outstanding Golden Bear who has provided exceptional support to their alma mater and has gone above and beyond to support fellow Golden Bears and the institution. This award is selected by the president of WVU Tech.
Alumni Homecoming Events Sponsored by:
Presenting sponsor
Reception Sponsor
John Jarrett '84